
Custom module FAQServiceSetDynamicField

This module changes the value of a dynamic field according to the category of FAQs associated with the service, defined in the generic agent parameters. that is, if there is any FAQ associated with the ticket service and within the entered category, the value of the dynamic field will change.

To do this, go to the Administrative menu and go to the option "Generic Agent".

Give the agent a name and make the settings as desired to trigger the event.

enter image description here

In the example, we use event based execution: TicketStateUpdate


Custom module:

Module     => Kernel::System::GenericAgent::FAQService::FAQServiceSetDynamicField
FieldName  => Dynamic field name to receive new value
FieldValue => New dynamic field value
Categories => Search categories for FAQs associated with the service (you can add more than one category, separated by semicolons (;) )


For dynamic fields of type Checbox, the FieldValue parameter must be 0 or 1.

Module not compatible with Date fields.

enter image description here

Save the changes and implement the settings.

Now, whenever we change the state of the ticket and there are FAQs associated with the service in the entered category, the value of the dynamic field will change.